Tami Warshavski
Tel Aviv
Tami works to educate for innovation and innovate our methods of education.
Tami is the managing director of the Innovation Center ACT Shenkar at Shenkar College for Engineering, Design, Art in the Tel Aviv area. She also founded the CLEVER Project: Creative Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Visioning Education Roadmap, funded by the European Commission to develop the creative economy through education, economy, and policy.
Tami’s passion for positive growth and innovation in education that goes beyond technological advancements has led to governmental acknowledgement—she was assigned by the Higher Education Council in Israel as Higher Education Reform Expert—and to investment in creative processes as part of national funding schemes.
She is the author of “The Creative Economy, Israel and Europe” (2019), co-author of “Design for Growth” (2014), and co-editor of Interdisciplinary Research & Education: a Design Driven Perspective (2016).