Esther Blázquez-Blanco
Esther elevates the spirit of humanity through deep connection.
Esther knows that honest encounters create a lasting impact. For more than ten years, she has been dedicated to creating them. From designing and creating a Burning Man retreat on the Mediterranean Coast to organizing Hackathons and Brand events, she worked at Typeform to create an authentic and inclusive company culture. Later, she joined Gsma to lead the content of the 4YFN Tech Conference for 20,000 people in Barcelona.
Today she is the founder of Deep Business Connection, a company that helps companies in the deepest and most authentic way: from the essence, with vulnerability and respect. Her tools are the mind, body, heart, and spirit, and her mission is to elevate the spirit of humanity through deep connection. That’s why Esther provides experiences where people can connect deeply with themselves, each other, and their life.