Dar Vanderbeck
San Francisco
Dar works to envision better worlds and make them happen.
Dar is the co-founder of Canopy Collective, an accelerator for radical alternative models to our broken systems. Prior to this, she was chief innovation officer of CARE USA, where she founded a team to incubate new models to achieve social impact within a global social justice organization.
Before CARE, Dar served as managing director for Social Innovation and Values-based Leadership at Teach For America, and was a co-founder of Imperative, a technology that connects people at work to their purpose at massive scale. She was also an appointee during the Obama Administration at USAID.
Dar began her career in Kenya working with MUHURI, Muslims for Human Rights. She has a BA in the self-designed major of Political Economies in Transition from Bates College and is currently enrolled in a graduate program in divinity at the Pacific School of Religion.